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"Stop Bad Cycles"

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 29:6-10

Years ago the people of God got caught up in some bad cycles. They got caught up in cycles of not following, not serving, not worshipping & not being down with the G.O.D. When Hezekiah became King he had a desire to stop these bad cycles. Sometimes we also get caught up in bad cycles. We get caught up in cycles of poor decision making, dysfunctional behavior, abusive behavior & unfaithful behavior. Sometimes the church gets caught up in cycles of laziness, low attendance & low giving. If we want to excel in life and reach our full potential in life we have to stop bad cycles.

1. OWN UP Hezekiah realized the first step in stopping bad cycles was to acknowledge & admit the behavior existed. Many times we act like we don't have issues. We act like we are not doing wrong & living wrong. We act like our crap don't stink. Let's own up to our dysfunctional behavior & poor decision making and begin the process of stopping bad cycles.

2. OPEN UP Hezekiah realized in order to stop the bad cycles he had to open up the doors of the temple that had be closed for years. When we open up our minds & open up our hearts to the Lord's will and the Lord's way we can stop bad cycles.

3. OFFER UP Let's offer up commitment, offer up dedication, offer up our time, offer up our talent, offer up our treasure, offer up prayer & offer up praise to the Lord. The Lord will bless our offering by stopping the bad cycles.

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