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Going from Nothing into Something!

Scripture: Genesis 1:2&3

As a result of working out & lifting weights my biceps have gone from nothing to something😊

There was a time when nothing was going on & nothing was happening on the Earth. There was a time when the Earth was void & had no form. There was a time when there were no animals, no trees & no people on the earth. But after the Lord spoke and said "let there be light" the earth went from nothing to something. The earth went from having no people, no trees, no bananas & no having people, trees, bananas & cows. There are areas in our lives where we should be doing something to better ourselves & others; but instead we ain't doing NOTHING. There are areas in our lives where we should be doing something to get ourselves & get our children/youth more involved in the ministry of the Lord; but instead we ain't doing NOTHING. And the devil likes the fact that we ain't doing NOTHING. But the Lord wants us to go for nothing SOMETHING!!

1. CONNECT If we are going to go from nothing to something we have to connect with the Lord by having a personal relationship with the Lord. We have to connect with the Lord by spending more time with the Lord. We have to connect with the Lord by caring & being concerned about the work of the Lord & about others.

2. CONSUME Consume means to swallow & ingest. The Earth went from nothing to something because the earth consumed the word when God said "let there be light." Many times we fail to go from nothing to something because we don't consume the word. Many times we chew the word but we don't consume the word. Instead we spit the word out after reading our Bibles or after hearing the word preached. Let's stop chewing & spitting the word out. Instead let's swallow & consume the word so we can go for nothing to something.

3 .CONFORM In order to go from something to nothing we have to conform to God's will & God's way. We have to conform to God's instructions & God's teaching.


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